Hello. I have quite a few projects on my workload in Plan 9, most of them deadlocked. My attempt to port Ruby 1.9.0 stopped with the fact there is no pthreads in APE. I'm trying to coerce APE to work with libthread, but it is not working yet (clash between libc and libape on malloc).

So until then, I decided to go back to trying to build X11. My plan is to compile some sort of web browser via X11. When building gets to compiling /sys/src/X11/programs/Xserver/Xext/shape.c, the compilation stops, with the following errors:
I know X11 was done on Brazil, which became Fourth Edition. Does anyone know what's wrong?

PS - My goal is to go from X11 to Qt 4 to KDE 4 to compile at least Konqeror successfully.

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