I am having trouble getting 9P working on my linux box. Firstly u9fs:
I have followed the directions on http://www.t3x.org/bits/plan9_on_u9fs.html
and put put this line in /etc/inetd.conf

u9fs    stream  tcp     nowait  root    /root/bin/u9fs  u9fs -Dz -a
p9any /scratch/p9root

the only client I have even been able to run is this one:

when I try to connect with it using: ./cl.py glenda localhost
I get 'localhost: Connection refused'

this is my /tmp/u9fs.log:
kill 24633
<- Tversion tag 65535 msize 16384 version '9P2000'
-> Rversion tag 65535 msize 8216 version '9P2000'
<- Tauth tag 1 afid 10 uname glenda aname
p9anyauth: afid 10
-> Rauth tag 1 qid (0000000000000001 0 A)
<- Tread tag 1 fid 10 offset 0 count 128
p9anyread: afid 10 state 0
-> Rread tag 1 count 12 '7039736b 31406c6f 63616c00'
<- Twrite tag 1 fid 10 offset 12 count 12 '7039736b 31206c6f 63616c00'
p9anywrite: afid 10 state 1
-> Rwrite tag 1 count 12
<- Twrite tag 1 fid 10 offset 24 count 8 '79a74fbb a471ed31'
p9anywrite: afid 10 state 2
-> Rwrite tag 1 count 8
<- Tread tag 1 fid 10 offset 32 count 141
p9anyread: afid 10 state 3
-> Rread tag 1 count 141 '01676c65 6e646100 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 006c6f63 616c0000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000'
u9fs: couldn't read message
last unix error: No such file or directory

I have created a user called 'glenda' with password 'glenda' and
copied that into /scratch/p9root/etc also I have created /scratch/
p9root/etc/u9fs.key with:

I have also tried various combinations of usenames and passwords and '-
a none' for u9fs in inetd.conf none of which has worked.

Secondly, when I have tried the 9pfuse client I get this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/9pfuse# ./9pfuse 'tcp!!564' /mnt
error: fid unknown or out of range
connect error: fid unknown or out of range

I can't find any information on this error either. If anyone can help
with either of these problems, please do. If all you can say is "RTFM"
believe me I have RTFM many times and despite the supposedly simple
nature of these tools, they remain non-intuitive for a novice like me.

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