On Mon Jan 14 19:03:58 EST 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > now if i
> > 
> >     ; ip/ping /net.alt/icmp!!0
> > 
> > i usually get one packet back and snoopy reports
> there are surely more packets than that.
> for example, where are the arp packets that initially
> discover that is 0030488ef4fb?
> i suspect that the machine is sending out an arp request
> for and getting back responses both from
> the actual as well as the 65 gateway.  
> the 65 gateway responds a little bit later, so that you 
> manage to get one ping off between getting the first
> response and the second response.  if this is the case,
> then your 65 gateway is wrong.

your diagnosis is excellent as usual.  this is exactly the case.
i have no access yet to the 65 gateway so it's hard telling
what it's problem is.  it does not do the same thing to
other 12 addresses.

- erik

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