Hi all,

Something seems to be wrong with the plan9.iso generating process. The
checksum file (http://plan9.bell-labs.com/plan9checksums.txt)
indicates that new iso's were build on Januari 15 and 16 (it lists md5
and sha1 sums for them), however when I download
http://plan9.bell-labs.com/plan9/download/plan9.iso.bz2, I get the
image from Januari 11: its md5 sum matches with the one from Januari
11 in the checksum file, and "isoinfo -d -i plan.iso" (on linux) tells
me that the volume name is "PLAN 9 - JAN 11 2008 04:00".

Does someone know what's happening here? It seems that the iso's are
actually build, but somehow they don't make it to the place where I
can download them.

Greetings, Sander.

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