On Fri, 15 Feb 2008 14:33:09 -0000, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

According to the manual, ld.com is a stripped down version of 9load,
intended to fit in 64KB.  It doesn't, my "production" version is:

        --rwxrwxr-x M 9 sys sys 73464 Feb 18  2007 /386/ld.com

which seems to be the current version.  Any suggestions?  I don't
really want to rebuild it unnecessarily.


The one on Plan 9 ISO image is exactly 73,464 bytes, like yours. Strange thing, because MS-DOS COM executables are exact memory dumps (no loader/header/relocation) designed for 16 bit systems which had a "segmented" memory model (segmented in the ancient sense of the word). They must fit into one 16-bit segment; exactly 64K.

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