>>  i feel your pain.  i have a new motherboard with some bad entries in the mp
>>  table, too.
> Not surprising. What we see, all the time, is that the mobo makers
> just barely understand these tables, and usually get them quite wrong.
> We've also seen cases where the MP table for one board was used,
> verbatim, on a very different board. Finally, the vendors are always
> willing to rewire bits of the board, but don't quite get around to
> updating the table.
> Short form: PC hardware is crap.

i'm not casting aspersions.  i've had good luck with getting corrected
bios in the few times i've had trouble on server motherboards.  i
think the problem is that mp interrupts are hard and need to be
constructed at bios runtime to account for the topology of add in
cards and bridges.

- erik

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