On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 2:16 PM, Martin Neubauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Awk is one of the few programs in the ditribution that is maintained
>  externally (by Brian Kernighan) and is pulled in via ape and pcc (it might
>  actually be the only one - I didn't bother to check.) A quick glimpse at
>  lex.c suggests that awk scans input one char at a time. In hindsight I'm a
>  bit surprised that I haven't got bitten by this, but I probably didn't split
>  within multibyte sequences. It's probably not too hard to change awk to read
>  runes for the price of creating ``the other one true awk.''

I don't know if it is as easy. I leave it in my todo list for the future :-).
Anyway, the BUGS section should say it does not know about UTF.
I´ll send a patch.

- curiosity sKilled the cat

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