Like all my APE-based efforts, I'm seldom satisfied with the results,
possibly because I don't really try hard enough.

This one is another baby step: from Graphviz 1.10 to Graphviz 1.16,
with the addition of FreeType and GIF.

I've checked dot/FreeType with some unusual fonts (bard, nadiannb) and
it seems fine.  GIF results in colours that do not make sense, but all
things considered I think that's due to the renderer (page -w), for
reasons someone else may want to investigate (it seems fine with "gif"
instead of "page").  Indeed, rotating JPEG images with "page -w" also
falls apart, but I think "page" has been damaged in the last few
months and needs some attention.

It may help others to know that my approach has been to ./configure
the distribution under NetBSD, add mkfiles to some pertinent
directories (q.v.) and with a little manual help actually generate the
entire distribution.  A recent copy of FreeType2 had already been
constructed for the purpose, I needed the GD library included in the
Graphviz distribution to provide all the promised features.  Lefty and
possibly other tools and utilities I am not familiar with have been
totally neglected, any assistance in getting these off the ground is
perfectly welcome.  Future developments will be to do the same with
"2.16.1", whether I'll ever figure out why I cannot produce equivalent
results without help from NetBSD remains undecided.

Again, I won't encumber "sources" with my efforts unless there is
demand for it.  Even then, binaries may come first, depending on


PS: This is also part of the zlib->jpeg->libpng series I use to build
libtiff and libgeotiff and, some day soon, a tiff2pic that actually
works.  Problem with the "tiff2pic" is that I need to render Surveyor
General maps and aerial photographs and storing hundreds of megabytes
in memory becomes unwieldy.  I'm not qualified to address such issues,
rendering is somewhat less than a hobby to me.

PPS: I guess it's graphviz 2.16.1 or tiff2pic or back to GCC that
comes next.  GCC scares me, what with the C++ library, the need to
produce a fresh APE library using documentation about the function
call sequence that I cannot find anymore and, of course, moving on to
GCC 4.  Oh, I also need to know that my translation from:

> cpu% cat getcallerpc.s
> TEXT getcallerpc(SB), $0
>       MOVL    v+0(FP), AX
>       MOVL    -4(AX), AX
>       RET


> cpu% cat getcallerpc.s
> .globl        getcallerpc
> getcallerpc:
>       movl    0(%esp),%edx
>       movl    -4(%edx),%eax
>       ret

is in fact correct.  I don't believe that EAX can be used as an index
register, but I haven't programmed on the i386 at all, I stopped with
the 8086, using Intel's own conventions.

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