Hi, I am new to this list and project. I have for some weeks now been 
intrigued by the computational powers of the latest ATI cards, and 
couldn't resist buying a card late last week (ATI Radeon HD 5850). As a 
first project, I decided to write the A5/1 ATI implementation for this 

I have got the basics up and running, the round xor functions is 
missing, and some work need to be done on load balancing. I have 
problems with synchronizing CPU / GPU stalls Windows kernel.

Preliminary test runs at 200 chains / second on a single card. (subject 
to verification)

At this time I feel comfortable making a code drop, which can be found at:


This solution can be build with

MS Visual Studio 2008 express.
ATI Brook+ SDK v1.4

A test executable is included, but the workload is processed in 2-3 
second chunks, and slower cards may have difficulties with this. ( 
Adjust the loop counter in a5.br )

I don't feel particularly inclined to do the TMTO project integration, I 
am of the conviction that namespaces more than 2 levels deep will rot 
the human brain :-p


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