Frank Norberg asks for:

>1. A rebarring script
>2. A script for halving and doubling the note values.
>3. A script for identifying written out repeats and replace them with
>repeat signs.
>4. A script for removing superfluous accidentals.
>5. A script for converting accidentals to key signature.
>6. A script for resolving awkward uses of < and >,
>   e.g. changing |G3/2A<Bc/2| into |G>A B>c|
>7. A script for regrouping eight notes etc.

I'd love something like these, too.

I'd add to this wish-list these three items:

8.  A script for formatting with four (or whatever) bars per line,
    with intelligent treatment of anacrusis and multiple endings
9.  A script for extracting chords and making chord charts
    (Anselm Lingau's is a good start).
10. A script for "beautifying" abc by putting white space in
    to improve readability and by lining up things vertically.

I realize that some of these things are already done by various programs.
But a nice suite of scripts would be great.

Robert Bley-Vroman

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