Muse does pretty much that.  Rather than cancel all, it cancels those
that no longer apply.  So to A flat major (4 flats) to E major (4 sharps)
generates 4 naturals, then 4 sharps.  You could make out a case for
three naturals, since D which was flatted is now sharped, but Muse
actually generates four, in the same pattern as the original key signature.
Changing from E major to D major generates 2 naturals (not four) then
2 sharps.  The pattern of those naturals is the right-hand part of the E
major key signature.

Muse does not automatically generate a double-bar before the key 
signature.  Jim Vint's book's comment that it's only really needed for 
C and A minor betrays, of course, it's western classical music bias.
One might add "or D dorian, E phrygian" and so forth.  A change 
to G major also needs them if the next note happens to be F sharp, 
because the key signature can look like an accidental in that case, 
and the same applies to F if the next note is B flat.

----- Original Message -----
From: Laura Conrad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2000 8:03 PM
Subject: [abcusers] changing the key signature

For a discussion of keys and modes that we haven't yet done to death:

I was reminded by a discussion on another list that one convention in
printed music is that if the key signature changes, the former
signature is first cancelled by use of naturals, and then the new key
signature is written.

There are a couple of ways to implement this convention.  The
old-fashioned rule is to always do it.  A more modern rule is to do it
only if the new signature has fewer sharps or flats than the old one.

I don't believe that abc2ps uses either rule.  Does any ABC program?
Laura (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , )

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