>>>>> "John" == jc  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    John> I've been registered as a developer since May.  I've
    John> periodically wandered around to see what they have, and see
    John> what I can learn.  I still haven't stumbled across the info
    John> on how to put things into cvs.  Or, rather, the instructions
    John> I've found have produced nothing but error messages that
    John> don't give me any clues.

First, let me suggest that people who want to be developers join the
abc-discuss list at sourceforge, so we don't have to clutter up the
abcusers list with discussions of how to use cvs.

I did manage to get some stuff into cvs.  I used the documentation at
https://sourceforge.net/docman/?group_id=1.  The two documents that
are relevant are "Getting started with SourceForge" and the
"SourceForge CVS howto".  I'm willing to try to remember how I did
this if someone asks me specific questions.

As far as putting stuff up at the ftp site, the person who has done
this successfully is James Allwright.  I poked around the
documentation some this afternoon, and found a procedure for producing 
a "release", which I believe I could make work, but I don't think it's 
what James did, because it looks like it requires an administrator to
do the release, and he didn't ask me to do that.  Unless Bert did it
for him.

Laura (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , http://www.laymusic.org )

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