On Fri, 5 Jan 2001, Wendy Galovich wrote:

> At 09:31 PM 1/5/2001 UTC, John Chambers wrote:
> >
> >...  In a couple cases, people have scanned in music
> >so that others can transcribe it to abc.  (This isn't unusual; it has
> >been done with a lot of old documents, most notoriously with the Dead
> >Sea Scrolls.)
>       Really?? What do the Dead Sea Scrolls sound like in abc?? :-) 
> (Sorry John, I couldn't resist!) 

Quite right too - it's the best bit of bait I've seen in ages :) Have they
really ? All of them ? And are they available to anybody that might want
to transcribe them ?

I don't want to do that myself, you understand; just curious, because it
was such a very long time that they weren't available.

Richard Robinson
"The whole plan hinged upon the natural curiosity of potatoes" - S. Lem

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