> What do the Dead Sea Scrolls sound like in abc?? :-)

There seems an obvious musical interpretation of the apocryphal Gospel
of Thomas (from the Nag Hammadi collection):

They said to Him, "Shall we then, as children, enter the Kingdom?"
Jesus said to them,

Original                          Modern version
========                          ==============

"When you make the two one,       You put your right arm in,
and when you make the
inside like the outside           your right arm out, 
and the outside like the inside,
                                  Your right arm in,
and the above like the below,     and you shake it all about
and when you make the male and
the female one and the same,      You do the hokey cokey and your turn about
so that the male not be male
nor the female female;            That's what it's all about.

[Jesus left a few verses out here]

and when you fashion eyes         You put your whole self in,
in the place of an eye,           your whole self out,
and a hand in place of a hand,    Your whole self in,
and a foot in place of a foot,    and you shake it all about
and a likeness in
place of a likeness;              You do the hokey cokey and your turn about
then will you enter
[the Kingdom]."                   That's what it's all about.

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