I've added a frill to the ABC player on my website. You can
now specify up to 10 tunes of your choice, from a single large
file of ABCs, for simultaneous plotting, offset one above the

The vertical position is the logarithm of the frequency
(or number of semitones) for a given note, and the horizonal 
position is proportional to time from the start of the tune.
Starting point is changeable in an edit subroutine and you can
compress or expand the time for tunes (one at a time). [Those 
nasty dips one somtimes gets are rests, 'z', they can't go to 0
on a logarithmic scale, so they go to C in my 0 octave = 16.5 Hz,
where you can't hear them.] 

No account is taken of timing change, M:mspec, or key change,
K:kspec/ J:jspec, so tunes with these in them won't be completely 
accurate after such a change.    
Some further details can be found in file USEABZ.TXT on my website.
I hope this will prove of some use, because I sure couldn't sell
it on the basis of beauty of the plots. That they surely aren't.
Bruce Olson

Old English, Irish and, Scots: popular songs, tunes, broadside
ballads at my website (no advs-spam, etc)- www.erols.com/olsonw
or click below  <A href="http://www.erols.com/olsonw"> Click </a>
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