| Hi,
| My Name is Brad Maloney and I have been lurking for quite a while on this
| list. At any rate for a diversion and excercise I am playing around
| with coding a QBasic-like program from scratch, but I am hung up on
| the fomula that "figures" half step increments in MgHz.. I have
| so far created several scales & temperments but none that are
| "Well Tempered"
|     Even if you don't have the formula if you could forward a table
| of A 440 chromaticaly through a 880 it would be a great help. with
| those figures I can find the formula..
| Thanks in advance, Brad Maloney [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The ratio of two notes a half step apart is the  12th  root
of  2, or 1.0594631 to 8 places.  Is there anything more to
it than that?

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