I guess you must be an abc2win user then Gianni?

>As we both know - as anybody else on this list, for the matter! - 
>ABC2WIN is "de facto" the standard as far as the abc notation is 
>employed on the web, both as far as the mailing list and a number of 
>the abc collections of tunes available for download are concerned.

Dont you just hate these unfounded assertions?  Once upon a time abc2win
was the only GUI abc software around, and it achieved a great deal of
success, and helped to popularise the language.  However, it has not
developed significantly since then, and other programs have far surpassed
it in features, ease of use and ability to handle complex abc.

I have over 10,000 tunes on my machine, downloaded from all over the web,
and less than 5% of them have exclamation marks at the ends of the lines.
These tunes do cause problems out of all proportion to their actual
numbers, not because of the exclamation marks, but because they are full
of syntactical errors (I guess abc2win's error checking is lax, or that
the kind of people who use abc2win are not serious enough about their
work to check).

I could equally claim that BarFly is the de facto standard on the grounds
that it runs on the platform which is the de facto standard for music
production, or that BarFly's site gets a higher Google page ranking
than abc2win does.


(The abc home page itself rates 4, after Sibelius, Coda and CERL.  BarFly
gets position 9 while abc2win scrapes in at 22.  No other abc software
gets a mention.)

And before I get flamed for it I'm not really claiming BarFly as any kind of
standard.  I was being rhetorical.

Phil Taylor
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