Bryan Creer writes:
| I'm in a state of shock.  I find myself totally agreeing with something Phil
| Taylor has said -

Hmmm ... Maybe you need to adjust your medication.

| John Chambers had said -
| >Great! Someone provides a program that solves the problem  of  binary
| >incompatibility  by  supplying  the source in ANSI C.  Several people
| >report compiling it on various obscure systems without any  problems.
| Nice to have maybe but the only thing that really has to be portable across
| all systems and all software packages is abc itself and at the moment it
| isn't.

True, but not quite what I was getting at.  Critisizing a  programmer
for  not  investing  in  the  hardware  and software that it takes to
provide everyone with binaries is hardly appropriate. The right thing
to  do  is  to  call  for  volunteers to compile the code and produce
downloadable binaries.

Very few programmers have the time or funds to provide  binaries  for
everyone.   This  should  be  a  job  for  the  users on this list to

As a programmer, I find that I don't have time to try to keep up with
all the complications of the commercial binary software market.  If I
tried to do that, I wouldn't have any time for programming  (or  even
for  playing  music).   I  probably  don't  have  the  money, either,
considering what it  takes  to  support  a  development  and  testing
environment that even covers the most popular commercial platforms. I
work mostly on unix-type systems, where most compilers are  available
free  and  the  runtime  libraries  don't  change every six months in
incompatible ways.  But even there, buying  the  hardware  needed  to
create  binaries  for everyone would be beyond my funds (or the space
in my house).

Providing binaries for musicians who aren't computer geeks is a  good
idea.   But  it  isn't going to be done by the few people writing the
programs, and they shouldn't be criticised for not  doing  it.   This
pretty  much  has  to  be  done  by  the users who have access to the
hardware and who have compilers and such.

One possibility is that the sourceforge repository can hold  binaries
for lots of systems.  This would take a bit of coordinating, but it's
a very reasonable use of this facility.  Anyone want to organize  it?
(Beware - it could suck up a lot of your time.  ;-)
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