> I've accidentally written some band arrangements to a couple of
> English, Irish and Scottish tunes. And since I'm not exactly an expert
> on this subject, I wondered if someone who knows better than me could
> have a look at:
> http://www.musicaviva.com/folkband/
> and tell me what they thought.

Godalmighty, HOW BIG IS IT???

I started downloading the archive on a slow connection (probably slow
at both ends, I got a "broken pipe" error at one point) and gave up
after 2.6Mb.

BTW, "The Mason's Apron" and "The Bridal" are both Scottish (from the
early 18th and late 17th centuries) and I am fairly sure "Harvest
Home" is English.  "Brochan Lom", not "Brocham Lom" (the Scots title
is "Orange and Blue").  "The Red-Haired Boy" is an Irish name for
the Scots tune "Gilderoy", which in turn is probably a variant of an
older English tune (known English versions of it are more recent than
the Scots one, but there are zillions of them).

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