I had hoped that we could make progress on some of the things which are
already implemented here and there (and in fact the implementations are not
totally incompatible).
>From memory (if any of these are in actually the standard then forgive me)
w: to specify words
v: to specify voices
Some way to specify clefs (implementations use k: and v:)

There are of course plenty of other things to do and to argue about.

This is not the Voice Of The Committee, just me.


----- Original Message -----
From: James Allwright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 11:32 AM
Subject: Re: [abcusers] dynamics (was)

On Wed 31 Oct 2001 at 05:17AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> There seems to be some confusion here.  Has the standards committee
> anything or not?  Could we have a clear statement from the committee
> than individual members) on what it has achieved and its current status?

I don't think you'll ever get the standards committee to speak as one
person with a unified voice. My opinion is similar to Phil's. I took
the approach of identifying all the new features in the new draft
standard and seeing which ones were universally approved and which
ones were not. This seemed like a good way to make progress, and I
got the impression that disagreement was restricted to relatively
minor features and obscure options of major features. However, the
thread petered out without any definite conclusions; people were
either not interested in this approach or distracted by other

It is still possible for someone who cares about an abc standard
to help the process along; get hold of every abc program you can,
go through them carefully and then document the compatibilities
and incompatibilities carefully on the web. If you do this
carefully and comprehensively enough it be a valuable resource to
guide any new abc developer on interpreting the more subtle aspects
of abc.

James Allwright
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