On Wed 31 Oct 2001 at 04:28PM +0000, Phil Taylor wrote:
> James Allwright wrote:
> >It is still possible for someone who cares about an abc standard
> >to help the process along; get hold of every abc program you can,
> >go through them carefully and then document the compatibilities
> >and incompatibilities carefully on the web
> I started to do something similar to this with respect to the V:
> field.  It proved to be very hard work.  It is still incomplete,
> and almost certainly contains errors, but you can read the results at:
> http://www.barfly.dial.pipex.com/multivoice.txt

This seems to be a very good document, covering not just V:, but a
lot of other things as well. 

> Corrections and additions are very welcome.

I have a minor correction

>and (if the abc2ps family supported it) it would then display correctly in
>those programs.  While the middle directive can be used to shift the display
>pitch by any amount, it should normally only be used to shift the position
>by a multiple of an octave.  Yaps supports a simpler version of this, where
>the directive octave=-2 would cause the notes to be drawn two octaves lower
>than their nominal pitch.  abcm2ps can decide automatically which clef to 
>use if no clef is explicitly indicated.

This explanation of octave= is not quite right. I suggest the re-wording

Yaps and abc2midi support a simpler version of this, where the directive
octave=-2 causes every note to be treated as having a pitch two octaves
below the written pitch.

The point being that it is not just drawing of the notes that is affected,
but playing them too.

James Allwright

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