----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard Robinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 6:33 PM
Subject: Re: [abcusers] dynamics (was)

> But "silly" is not the main point.  I lost my temper, yes. For the second
> time since this list was started. I am seeing Brian, and Gianni, making
> remarks which I consider to be really offensive, about an undefined number
> of other people on this list. And, to borrow Laurie's phrase, it gets my
> goat.

To quote Alessandro Manzoni, our "national novelist", which was in turn
quoting an old popular Italian saying: "chi è è in difetto è in sospetto"! A
complimentary translation for non Italian native speakers: "who knows to be
guilty of something, reacts when when anybody talks about it".

If, as a number of other subscribers to this list, you'll find hard to grasp
the meaning of my posting(s), this is an idot proof English native speaker
broad summary: "The one you blamed for being offensive were, actually,
replying to messages that where offending them. Blame it on the other
members of your gang, not on us!"

In other words: if you think we are offensive just beacuse we don't change
our minds when you, the self appointed Demigods of the abc, stated we should
have... well,you can go to Hell (and possibly remain there!). And if you
think that we - or to say better, "I" - should be "NICE" when someone keeps
Otherwise, you might discover that the word "offensive" might show a number
of hidden meanings you have never even dreamed about in you worst
nightmares... yes,  I'm TIRED TO BE INSULTED BY *** LIKE YOU... and the next
time I will post to this mailing list I will feel entitled to avoid using


Given this:  I'm not Bryan (Creer) - I'm not necessarily sharing Bryan's
opinions - I actually think he's wasting his time to try to discuss with ***
like you! And I actually have taken the decision to replay, stroke for
stoke, to the kind of messages you, and the likes, are posting.

>ABC is not perfect. A number of people have tried, and put work into, a
>number of approaches to improving things. A number of improvements have
>been made, even if not the ones that some people hoped for. To abuse
>people for doing the work they have done seems to me, as I said before,
>unfair, counterproductive, and just plain wrong, even if it has not handed
>everybody everything they would like. Particularly, the way that every
>time a new poster appears here, they are informed that this is a no-good
>bunch of people, an arrogant self-selected clique who are bound not to
>listen to them ... it does no good. It makes agreement harder to reach
>instead of easier, it drives people away instead of including them, and I
>object to it. And I intend to continue doing so, from time to time ...  I
don't think it's true, either ;)

Actuall, YOU ARE  in fact "an arrogant self-selected clique who are bound
not to
listen to them". And so what? I won't let your offensive emails drive me
away... Do you actually wish to ask Toby making this a censored list?

No regards


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