>What the accidentals =, ^, _ mean? Are they "absolute" (e g "_e" means
>"e flat") or are they in relation to the key (e g "=e" means "e flat"
>in Bb major)?

Accidentals in abc work exactly in the same way as in modern staff
notation, that is "_e" means "e flat", even if the e was sharp or flat
already as the result of the key signature or an accidental earlier in the
bar.  Accidentals apply only to the note they precede and any other instances
of that note later in the same bar, and not to the same note in a different
octave.  (Note though that the early music people prefer accidentals to
apply only to the following note, leaving any later instance of the note
unchanged, and some programs may permit this as an option.)

Phil Taylor

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