Bryan Creer just thought he'd ask:
| John Chambers   recently said -
| >But it's possible that we could put it to a vote,
| How would this be administered?  Who would get a vote?  Just the BIG 6?  Only
| developers?  Anybody who wants to?
| >But again, it's not topic of major importance. More important is that
| >we  get  some action making this sort of ending part of the published
| >abc standard syntax.
| Published where?  The central point of contact for abc is Chris Walshaw's abc
| home page.  It is referenced widely in abc sites across the internet.  Are
| there arrangements for updating the standard held there or do you envision
| setting up an alternative standard?  Do you intend to co-operate with Guido
| Gonzato or would his be a third separate standard?

Well, that's a rather elegant summary of the usual problems. There is
an  "ABC  committee"  (which  I thought should have called itself the
"ABC cabal"), but their generally agreed policy has always been  that
any decisions would be put to a vote on abcusers.  Then they wandered
off in the direction of first codifying the 1.6 pseudo-standard,  and
that's  sorta where things hang now.  The rules for a vote have never
been codified, to my knowledge.  There's enough precedence  on  other
lists and newsgroups that we could probably work out our own rules in
short order, if we wanted to.

Part of this was Chris's comment that he didn't particularly want  to
be  the  active center of such discussions, and he suggested a cabal,
uh, committee, to give some coordination to the effort.

Anyway, it's pretty clear that there's no intent to try to  keep  any
discussion  private.  And there has been much more discussion on this
list than in the standards list.  It may be that the  standards  list
will  go the way of the old abc developers' list, which seems to have
died  out  mostly  because  all  the  developers  preferred  an  open
discussion among all users.  You'd think that there would be separate
discussions  of  implementation  details,   but   even   there,   the
implementers prefer to discuss ideas here.

This is probably because abcusers isn't such a high-volume list  that
"mere  users"  feel  the  need to expell the geeks to their own list.
This is usually why a separate experts list gets created, not for any
sort of privacy or exclusion, but simply to limit the flood of email.

My impression is that Guido is also willing to coordinate his efforts
with  others;  he  just decided to do something because he didn't see
any others doing it.  This is also the motive behind  a  lot  of  the
independent  development  of ABC extensions, including mine.  "I need
this now, and those nice folks on abcusers don't seem to be  able  to
settle  any  of  the issues.  They just keep wandering off into picky
details and attempts to solve all the world's musical  problems,  and
nothing  ever gets decided.  So I'll just do it myself and maybe some
day they'll catch up."

Chide, chide ...  ;-)

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