> I've been watching how the speed of the discussion on this list has
> picked up since I put the new fast mailserver in place.

I dunno about the speed (given how slow my machines are I could hardly
tell) but having a real honest-to-god "From" line at last is a *huge*

> I am currently working on putting the entire archive of postings for
> the list from the past few years online and indexing the postings with
> Thunderstone search. I know some folks on here are sensitive about
> having their email addresses visible on the internet. I could avoid that
> by password protecting the archive(s). If the list members think that is
> a good solution, or have a better solution, let me know. Thanks!

A better solution would be to edit out the email addresses and replace
them by names or handles so the archive ends up looking like a typical
web discussion board (e.g. Mudcat).  I don't mind who sees the content
of what I've written so long as it doesn't lead to even more spam than
I'm getting now.

=================== <http://www.purr.demon.co.uk/jack/> ===================

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