> Nice work Frank.

Thanks, Bryan :-)

[The Girl I Left Behind Me]

OK. Seems I misunderstand the whole story, then.

> Technical point.  Morpeth Rant isn't a hornpipe.  It's a rant,

A rant? Is there actually a dance called that???

(Reminds me of what Shakespeare says about the branle, btw...)

> King of the Fairies English?!

Is it Irish? I know the book I got the tune from is wrong about the
nationalitie of some tunes. 

> And so jolly.

I'd like to play it a bit slower too, but it's a hornpipe, isn't it?


I forgot to mention one slight detail in my last posting, btw:

For the sake of your own reputation as a musician and mine as an
arranger, *never* play the Amazing grace arrangement in public unless:

  a) everybody in the audience are well and truly drunk.


  b) you're a bunch of really 'dorable children and the audience
     consists mainlky of parents and old aunties.

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