My last question on how fascist a program should be extends to other steps
away from abc standard.

Would it be considered a good 'feature' of a program to 'clean up' as it
were, stuff that fails to comply with the standard, and should such a
'feature' be something someone could apply by choice, such as MS Word's
grammar checker, or something that 'bing'ed you when it saw something that
wasn't quite right.  Should it keep track of portions you choose to
'ignore' so it doesn't keep annoying you on the subject.

Another point to consider, is that ABC2Win routinely reminds me that it
will not parse more than 3000 tunes, which is proof, that there can be a
ton of tunes in a file, and if a program were to demand that you look at
every confusion on every line of a file whenever you first open the file
up and it begins to parse it, you could be 3 hours just opening the file.
So of course a user would 'cancel' the process, which would defeat the
purpose.  Of course, if you didn't let them cancel the process, a user
would go through that nightmare perhaps twice before choosing to never use
the software package again.

Perhaps 'highlighting' non-standard notation similar to MSWord's
underlining mispellings and grammar mistakes is the answer.  While that is
annoying, it is at least non-damaging, if you wish to keep those
abberations.  A user could choose to turn it off and on as well.

Is there a concensus on the list, or does this touch on the controversies
on standard, non-standard, and proposed standards?


 + Christian Marcus Cepel              ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._         +
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 + he lifts his arms in a blessing *For being born again. --Rich Mullins +

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