Perhaps my 'wonder' was a bit ill considered.  I wasn't considering those
who want to include abc 'inline' in messages.  I was kindof thinking of a
perfect world, where, if a non-ascii format were to exist, and a mime type
written for it, that all email clients and browsers/servers, ftp
clients/servers, etc would recognize it and treat it accordingly.  Sorry
for such an assanine (sp?) suggestion.

I know this sounds like it might be a sarcastic retraction.  It's not.
It's genuine.  I can see when I've gone and said sommat stupid

I know some ftp programs out there (fetch) and archive/unarchive programs
out there, can have very strange effects on linefeeds.  I've known some to
essentially replace the \r\l with \n\n, which, in a format where a blank
line sentinals the end of a tune, would be disastrous.  I do wish there
were a 'simple' answer this one.  We'll be taking the long road on this

Thanks to all who've offered feedback in this thread.


On Tue, 5 Mar 2002, John Chambers wrote:

> Christian Marcus Cepel wonders:
> |
> | I wonder, if at some point in the future, the committe who establishes
> the
> | abc standard might not consider an alternative to ascii text as a file
> | format.  I know on first glance there are those who will shudder and
> | scream, but why not.  If a standard was created that could not be
> edited
> | in a text editor, these problems go away.  Filesize could still be
> kept
> | down.  The only concession would be that all editing would have to be
> done
> | inside an 'abc' editor.  Just a brain-hiccup.  I know it will never
> | happen, but it is _one_ possible solution, that could be implemented
> if
> | implemented correctly.
> This ignores the fact that one of abc's major roles is as a
> way of exchanging music via email and the web.  If you come
> up with an abc editor that is incompatible with these uses,
> it simply won't be used.
> We do have a lot of (commercial) music packages that use  a
> private  format.   They have their uses.  But they can't be
> used to communicate music  with  others,  unless  you  have
> first  made  certain  that the others have exactly the same
> software that you have.  ABC  has  been  successful  mostly
> because  it allows us to eschange tunes with others without
> (much) concern for what sort of software they're using.
> You are certainly  free  to  make  your  own  notation,  as
> similar  to  or  different from abc as you like.  But if it
> isn't plain text, it won't compete with abc.  If  you  have
> enough  good  features, you may compete with the commercial
> packages, and you may even make some money.
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