Jeff Bigler writes:
| > And in my copious spare time, I'll try to fill in more rows  for  all
| > the  wonderful feechurz that people are implementing.  There is a bit
| > of a problem with trying to collect such info.   There  isn't  enough
| > time  for one person to gather all the programs and test them all, at
| > least not if you intend to spend any time playing music.
| Could you please add a section for !command!, as described in the draft
| proposed 1.7.6 standard?  (Or is the document at
| no longer under
| consideration?)  I'm particularly interested in dynamics and their
| associated markings (crescendo, diminuendo, etc.), and I'm not aware of
| any existing abc-to-anything-else program that deals with them.  (And
| I'm not enough of a programmer to write my own!)  As a classical
| musician who occasionally plays folk, I personally find the absence of
| dynamics to be ABC's biggest limitation.

Yeah; I oughta do that.  I've been thinking of generally  merging  in
all  the  new  and proposed extensions.  It does take time to do such
things, but it's probably worthwhile.

The abc2ps clones do implement some of these  things.   Probably  the
most  advanced (in some respects) is abcm2ps, Jeff Moine's clone.  He
also implements multiple parts on a single staff.  I've been thinking
of  trying  to  merge his code with mine (jcabc2ps), which implements
some different features such as extended  endings  and  explicit  key
signatures.  But this does take time.

| As an aside, I play a lot of late-20th-century (and 21st-century)
| classical music.  There are several unusual notations that have come
| into usage since the 1950s that are not (yet) implemented in ABC.  I
| could mention them on this list as I run across them, if there's
| interest.  I haven't, largely because the bother-to-worth ratio seems
| too high--these would serve a very small subset of the ABC community,
| and some of the notations would be difficult to define or implement in a
| plain-text system.

That is a problem.  One of the ongoing quandaries with ABC is whether
it  should  be  extended to handle more types of music, or whether it
would be better to just start all over with a more powerful notation.
The  latter  has been done by the lilypond people, of course, and the
MusicML people are working on solving all the world's music  notation
problems.  What will probably happen is something in between.  Things
that aren't too hard to do within ABC's plain-text form will probably
happen  as implementers see the need.  ABC has large enough user base
to make this worthwhile.

There are some fancy commercial packages that will do a lot more. But
these do tend to have the problems of commercial packages: They use a
proprietary format, and the files can only be exchanged  with  others
who use the same software.  I'd guess that music publishers are quite
envious of this.  Imagine if, when you bought a  published  piece  of
music  on  paper,  you  couldn't mail it to someone else because they
wouldn't be able to read it on their music stand.   Nobody  has  ever
been able to do this with paper, but they can with computer files.

Anyway, I'd suggest posting a few tentative messages  on  this  list.
Maybe there are other ABC users who would be interested.  There are a
lot of users who find ABC limiting and who would like to see it  made
more capable. Of course, to make things happen, you need to get a few
programmers interested.

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