Atte writes:
| I just got off the mail with Toby, and the lists behavior is now changed
| so that only subscribers can post to the list. That should get rid of
| funny Russian stuff + the 10 followups from list members.
| Now back to the music - where were we :-)

First, one further suggestion: Is there a way to make it clear in the
email  headers  what  address the list sent a message to?  In looking
over the headers for Atte's message, I do see  my  own  address,  but
only in the lines that appear to be generated by this machine's email
software.  This address could have been generated locally during  the
forwarding from one of my other addresses.

The ongoing problem with "subscriber only" rules is that a lot of  us
have more than one email address. It's fairly common for people to do
something like attempt to unsubscribe (or stop mail during a trip  or
vacation), and find that they can't because the list software insists
that they aren't subscribed.  Then it's "OK, what email address  does
this  list have for me?" It's often exceedingly difficult to discover
this critical piece of information.

In my case, I've been on some lists for quite a few  years,  and  the
lists  probably  have one of my old addresses.  The folks here at MIT
are quite good at maintaining old addresses and forwarding  the  mail
to  wherever you like.  This means that 20-year-old addresses
mostly still work.  But, of course, it's usually  difficult  to  send
email  from  those addresses.  And if you don't know which address is
being used, you usually can't convince the sender  to  stop  sending.
They just treat you as a hoaxster trying to hijack someone's email.

I've seen some email with a header like "X-Sent-to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]", or
some  other  nonstandard  header  line  that mailers aren't likely to
munge because they don't recognize it.  This sort of thing is  really
useful when trying to straighten out email problems.

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