At 12:36 PM 5/30/02, John Chambers wrote:

>In fact, we can't confuse people; they  are  already  confused.

With all respect, it serves no one to contribute to this confusion by 
treating things the same that are in all respects different, that is, 
different in the 'language of music'.

More snipping...
>All you can really say with accuracy is that printed music uses  arcs
>that  connect  groups  of  two  or  more  notes,  and these arcs mean
>different things in different circumstances.

This is indeed the real world, and the central issue of my original comments.

Still more sniping...
>In any case, if we want musicians to get such things right in abc, we
>really  should  have distinct ways of representing ALL of the uses of
>arcs  in  printed  music.

Now this sounds like a plan... (I hope). :-)

You guys take care and keep up the very good work,

Huntsville, AL

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