|  Tue, 4 Jun 2002, Atte Andre Jensen wrote:
| > * free
| > * stuff like my songbook (server generated pdf's in 12 keys) are AFAIK not
| > really possible using Finale
| > * runs on any platform
| > * small file size
| > * works on my Palm (and I typed quite a few songs during public
| > transportation)
| > * speed? I think I'm faster in abc than I used to be in encore, but I'm
| > not sure...
Guido Gonzato added:
| - very readable notation
| - implementations are very compact (say "no" to MusiXTeX ;-)
| - in many cases, it creates publication-quality sheet music.

Open Source.

One of my favorite ways to test music software is to attempt to enter
some of the better-known Balkan songs. For instance, Jovano, Jovanke,
which wants a meter of 7/8 and a key signature of one sharp  and  two
flats  (^f_B_e).  It's a simple little love song, right?

So far, all commercial music packages have flunked this test.  When I
first  tried  abc2ps, I was duly impressed by the fact that it had no
problems with  M:7/8,  and  did  the  right  thing  wih  it.   I  was
disappointed that it wouldn't let me do a key signature of ^f_B_e.

But I had the source code, so I could fix this.  Granted, most of the
other  developers  see  no  need for such capabilities, and despite a
number of discussions of the topic  (in  which  several  people  gave
other  good  reasons  for  wanting  such  things),  nothing  much has
happened.  But I and a few others can  get  good-looking  music  with
correct key sigs for non-Western music with abc.

With Finale and other commercial packages, the  discussion  would  be
pointless.   The  code  is owned by one corporation, and you must ask
them for features that you want. With abc, any programmer can get the
code to most of the software.  If you need some capability that isn't
there, you can add it.  If other abc programmers don't see the point,
well,  you have software that does what you need.  Jeff Moine can get
nice-looking choral music.  Someone else can get  tablature  for  all
sorts of instruments. Others can get songs with lyrics either aligned
with the notes or printed below the music.  Still others can get MIDI
output with the voices specified in the abc.  And so on.

Well, at least you can if you're a programmer. ;-)

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