Muse sounds interesting.

"Laurie (ukonline)" wrote:

> Don Parrish-Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> had a wish-list.
> Here's how Muse shapes up (no, it's not 100%, though if I were a beginner
> user I might think it was until I discovered the fine details).
> > 1. Enter guitar TAB, tool creates sheet music and TAB as you go.
> Yes
> >2. Ability to add lyrics and guitar chords (text and chart format) and/or
> > text notes to the score
> Lyrics, yes,
> Guitar chords yes but only text format,
> Text notes yes
> and you can have any or all of these at once.
> >3. Ability to strip out just lyrics or lyrics and guitar chords from an
> > existing tune (the tune could have been written in whatever
> > format is native to the tool)
> You can get just the ly-rics eas-i-ly e-nough to paste them in-to a word
> pro-ces-sor but they will still contain hy-phen-a-tion to show how they are
> split a-cross the notes if you see what I mean.
> >4. Enter sheet music, tool attempts to create guitar TAB (obviously
> >you'll need to do some touch ups here and there to make it actually
> > playable)
> Yes, and then having fixed the odd note here and there you can tell it to
> have another go at the generation, interpolating between your fixed points -
> so that when you tell it to play some note on fret 12 it will realise that
> your wrist is a long way from the nut and not put the next or previous note
> on fret 3.  That way you only need to touch up the odd note and the rest
> falls into place.
> > 5. MIDI IN/OUT (pretty standard feature, from what I see)
> MIDI files either way, yes
> Live MIDI out, yes
> Live MIDI in - no (because the results are not very good - just too much
> post-editing until/unless I get the tempo following right).
> > 6. Actually knows what the heck a repeat is!!  A lot of things I've
> > tried ignore the repeats.
> If you mean detecting repeat in MIDI in, even from a MIDI file, this is
> tricky.  If you mean output then yes, of course, with variant endings if
> need be.
> > 7. Doesn't require taking out a second mortgage on your house to buy it!
> Not many banks are interested in £20 (about $30 US) mortgages
> >8. Has some keyboard-shortcut method of selecting note duration instead of
> > having to always use the mouse.
> Yes
> > 9. Outputs in abc, PDF, etc. format.
> Will do abc, MIDI or its own format directly.
> Will print on any printer that Windows supports.
> With a little trickery using Windows it will do PostScript.
> Not PDF directly.
> Doesn't do etc. format at all.

Not that!   That spoils everything  LOL


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