Richard Robinson wrote:

> > >  The newer
> > > PNG format is just as good, and free, but not yet as popular.
> >
> > Why? For exactly one reason: browsers (the big one esp) were not
> > supporting png until recently. And since one must expect quite a few
> > users to still be using their 4.0 or 5.0 browsers it's still not "safe" to
> > use png on web pages. Sad, since png is superior to gif in all ways
> Yes. I thought of switching the images in my "Tunebook" over to png a
> couple of years ago, but a little bit of checking and asking around
> convinced me that there were just too many browsers that wouldn't do it.
> Newer versions might, but that doesn't mean older ones have disappeared.

For Linux, the latest Netscape I could get (the last time I checked) was 4.51 or
something like that, and I don't think it does PNG yet.  And on my laptop, on which I 
Windoze 98, I got a later version of Netscape and hated what they'd done to it, so I
still use a 4.xx version there, too.


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