Yes - I am absolutely sure that it was not in the master copy because I made
a complete fool of myself telling him that he should have printed one copy
and photocpied it.  He said that is what had been done.  I said "no way" or
words to that effect and he said that as he had done it himself, personally,

So I learnt something about photocopiers!


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, June 15, 2002 12:49 PM
Subject: [abcusers] Re: Antialiasing

Laurie wrote:

 >One favourite trick of ink-jet printers is to develop a blocked
 >jet and this can do horrible things to horizontal lines of
 >staffs. You tend to notice them at gigs when you suddenly
 >realise the music is unreadable. Top or bottom lines are deadly,
 >but the in-between ones are pretty bad too. I thought that
 >photocopiers were immune to this, but I recently went to a
 >workshop where the chap who ran it (Dave Brown) had printed one
 >master copy of the music and photocopied it many times to hand
 >out to the participants. He described it as a "high quality"
 >photocopier. It must have been a really high-tech one that
 >rasterised the image. It also must have had the page
 >horizontally aligned to high precision because it managed to
 >lose staff lines. On one page you could actually see the line
 >fading out as it went across the page and on another (presumably
 >later) copy of the same page there was no trace of it at all.
 >A little mis-alignment would have worked wonders!

To me it sounds much more likely that the flaw was in the master copy.
Are you sure this wasn't the case?

  ______      /\/\/\/\
 <______>     | | | | |  David Barnert
 <______>     | | | | |  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 <______>     | | | | |  Albany, N.Y.
 <______>     \/\/\/\/

Ventilator   Concertina
  Bellows      Bellows
(Vocation)   (Avocation)

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