No, it looks for
"!" (~["!","\n","\r"])+ "!"
that is, two bangs with at least one non-bang in between before the end of line.
! at end-of-line should be ignored as before (although there may be issues with
! at end-of-tune, have to check that...


Jack Campin wrote:

> > Version 1.0a5 June 19 2002
> > New Features and Bugfixes
> > - !xxx! text fields parse and display as text
> Aaargh... does that mean it will fail on almost all abc2win files?
> What's the problem with simply getting the user to search-replace
> those ! signs with quotes?  There's a hell of a lot more ABC out
> there that uses abc2win's (much more useful) interpretation of the
> exclamation mark than there is stuff with the other kind.
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