In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, John Fattaruso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>The links on the
>abcplus homepage,, only supply precompiled
>binaries for Windoze.

Great, thanks for mentioning that. I've just downloaded the pre-compiled 
abcm2ps from that link and really already like some the advances I've 
found from the abc2ps 1.3.3 I've been using (things like bar-lines 
across the staves in multi-part music, a generally cleaner looking print 
on grace notes, and so forth). I'd assumed that the sourceforge abc 
section wasn't likely to have anything of interest to 'mere' Windows 
users, and so had given up looking - my loss obviously.

Steve Mansfield
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - abc music notation tutorial,
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