hi. I am newly joined to this list and this is partly a test message, and 
partly an introduction. I use abc mostly to learn contradance tunes, and I 
have followed rather intently the thread concerning [A4A2] notation (why? 
I can't tell you, except it was fascinating, really). I don't have 
anything really to add, other than to give kudos to Norbeck, Chambers, et. 
al. for all their fine work developing abc and its associated programs. As 
an amateur player and not a programmer, I can say abc has been a real help 
to me.  I have tried many programs, and each has its own strengths. I tend 
to use abc to transcribe sheet music I have or tunes I know into the 
computer, and then I use Harmony to redisplay it as sheetmusic and play it 
out again ( only really because it offers the best quality sound), so I 
can learn the tune. To fiddle and organize the abc files I muddle about 
with runabc-ex and abcmus and abcnavigator and I am just getting into 
iabc, which is the first that takes an abc tune and gives the 
corresponding sheet music! Alas, it cannot play tunes as well, or it would 
be perfect! If I could merge these programs into one, ah, abc heaven. 

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