In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Don Whitener <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
I would agree with your general advice. But I would add that I, out of ignorance, put Ghostscript in a sub-folder other than the default folder and not at the root level. I changed nothing in the configuration files, and everything seems to work just fine. Using Windows 98SE at the moment. Aahhhh! The idiosyncrasies of computers... Keeps programmers off the streets, I presume?
Good for you Don - I advised accepting the default location for GSView after it got seriously upset when I relocated it under Win2K, so I haven't dared change the default under my current XP setup just in case - maybe I was just unlucky,
or it was a W2K peculiarity,
or a my machine peculiarity,
or my HDD was having a bad hair day that day, or whatever.

Eric, I'd not thought of putting the abcm2ps walk-through on my website, but probably will now you've suggested it :-)

Steve Mansfield
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