Thanks Paulo
Can I contact you privately?

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Paulo
Eleutério Tibúrcio
Sent: Sunday, 5 January 2003 10:54 PM
Subject: Re: [abcusers] ABC for Linux

John Barnaby wrote:
> I have been an ABCwin user for some years but am now switching from
> windows to linux. 

Welcome to the promised land!

>                   Can any lister please tell me which abc program that
> runs on linux most closely approximates ABCwin in functions. Thanks.

I'm afraid you'll have to get used to the Unix/Linux way of getting some
things done, that is, use several different packages, each one designed
for a specific task:  one for printing/viewing (done in *n*x with TeX or
PostScript, both of which you should already have right from the box in
Linux) output, another for getting MIDI output, others to manipulate the
abc source (transpose, separate parts multivoice tunes, and so on), some
to get special output (tablature, ...).

To begin with, I'd advise to get:

  - for viewing/printing sheet music:

        abcm2ps <>
                Converts abc to PostScript.

        jaabc2ps <>
                Same;  also generates tablatures.
                Win source/EXE zips and Linux RPMs available.

        abctab2ps <>
                Generates PostScript and lute/guitar tablatures.  Site
                has other useful programs (add-ons, scripts) to make
                specific tasks easy (number PS output pages, add abc
                mode to editors, extract parts, etc.). Source and
                binaries (Linux RPM, zipped for Win).

        abc2ps <>
               The father of them all.  Available DOS executables, DOS
               and Linux sources.

  - for MIDI, PostScript sheet music, source manipulation:

        abcMIDI <>
                4 in 1 package:  abc2midi (converts abc to MIDI)
                                 midi2abc (tries to get abc from MIDI
                                 abc2abc  (transposes, checks,
                                 yaps     (converts abc to PostScript)

Normally you get the sources (usually in C) to compile (your Linux box
has a C compiler, cc or gcc).  You might check Guido Gonzato's
precompiled  RPMs for abcm2ps and abcMIDI as well as his own programs
abcpp (a preprocessor to use conditional processing, macros and other
source manipulation), abcprt (to get a part from a multivoice tune)
and an abc add-on for Jed text editor, at

  The ABC Plus Project homepage <>

Except for Skink, these are command line programs.  If you don't feel
like using the shell, there are

  Skink  <>
         Allows you to edit, view and play ABC 1.6.  I couldn't get it
         to read more complex ABCs.  From what I read on ABCWin home-
         page, that's not quite the functionality you're used to.
         Java application.

  Runabc <>
         A front-end to most of the above and some more (PostScript
         viewers, MIDI players, builtin and user-defined editor) with
         interesting editing and finding functionalities.  Written in
         Tcl/Tk (which you should have in your Linux box).  Seems more
         like what you're looking for, as it integrates the many tools
         in something like an abc development environment.

These, I think, will do for quite a toolbox to play with.  Anyway, you
might wish to check

  The ABC Home Page <>

for some more Linux apps.  I myself as a rule download and try to
install or build whatever abc software I can get;  they seldom eat much
disk space and generally have some unique feature to accomplish
specific tasks.

I hope it has helped.

Paulo Eleutério Tibúrcio
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