> There are lots of ornaments and grace notes in Hungarian folk music.
> In my observation, they are extremely frequently used  by violonists.
> I am an amateur player (piano&violin) and I would like to be able to
> ease my learning by listening to what I have to play. I'd like to find
> out how something like
> | {c}d c3 (c4{BA}) |
> or
> | g F3 ({F3}E/2{DC}) z |
> could be generated.

You do the generating: just write it.

BarFly has no problem with your example written this way,
which is completely standard abc1.6 except for the words
and the non-ASCII title:

T:Októbernek, októbernek ...
 dccc dccc | {c}d c3 (c4{BA}) |
w: Ok-tó-ber-nek, ok-tó-ber-nek el-se-jén
 AAAA ccGG | g F3 (F3{EDC}) z |
w: Nem süt a nap Csík-karc-fal-va me-ze-jén.
|: CDDD DCCC | F G3 ({G}c4{B}) |
w: El-bú-csú-zom a ma-dár-t saz ág-tól,
 AAFF GGFC | (3:2:2D2D4 D2 z2 :|
w: Az-u-tán a csík-karc-fal-vi lá-nyok-tól.

I removed the ~ signs in both the music and text - what were
they meant to do?

Also Q:100 is a bad idea - you have to look up the manual to
figure out what the tempo is.  Better to be explicit as I've

Perhaps you are using an obsolete non-standard program?

Bartók used that tune somewhere, didn't he?  A piano piece?

Jack Campin: 11 Third Street, Newtongrange, Midlothian EH22 4PU; 0131 6604760
<http://www.purr.demon.co.uk/jack>     *     food intolerance data & recipes,
Mac logic fonts, Scots traditional music files, and my CD-ROM "Embro, Embro".

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