Henrik Norbeck wrote:
>Jack Campin wrote:
>> > U:M=!tenuto!
>> Doesn't work in BarFly - that redefinition of M isn't permitted as
>> it doesn't know what "!tenuto!" is (and hopefully never will do).
>What's the problem? !tenuto! conforms well to the proposed
>standard. Actually, BarFly should simply ignore anything between
>!! that it does not understand, because this makes the abc
>standard esay to extend. Sometime in the future someone might
>come up with the bright idea that !asdf! should mean something

BarFly had a system of redefinable symbols using the U: field,
and a system of macros two years before John Atchley wrote
the "draft" standard.  Unfortunately he wrote his proposals,
and persuaded Chris to put them up on the abc home page without
taking the trouble to see what the existing programs did.

When he wrote that section of his standard, he confused and
conflated redefinable symbols and macros (can anybody apart
from BarFly users actually understand the difference?).  He also
introduced the use of the exclamation mark delimiter, which is
a disaster, both for the readability of abc and because it conflicts
with all the old abc2win files which use this character for a
totally different purpose.

>BTW, how long is this new standard going to be only "proposed"?
>Can we get along to deciding something now, for #%&/=+#% sake!
>Otherwise we will land where HTML is (Microsoft standard,
>Netscape standard).

As far as I'm concerned it can stay "proposed" until somebody
re-writes or removes the section on redefinable symbols and
macros and declares the use of the exclamation mark delimiter
as deprecated. I don't have any problems with the rest of it,
but I've been arguing against that section ever since it first

Phil Taylor

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