Has anyone here tried to use an alternative editor with the runabc.tkl frontend?  The default editor works just fine, but beyond syntax highlighting it is pretty brain dead.

I like the convenience of having all of my abc tools access through a front end like runabc, but I would like to use a more powerful editor. My favorite editor is Jedit and the extensions to Jed from Guido (JedABC) make it a good choice. However what I am running into is that runabc seems to pass the wrong document path to any external editor. I have tried this with both Jed and Jedit - It doesn't even work with Notepad. Under Windows (Win2K) It seems to make a concatenation of the install directory of runabc.tkl and the path to the file being edited. I will try it tonight under Linux, but I do most of my notation editing on my Win2K laptop.


runabc install path = C:\Program Files\ABC Music Tools\

Jed Install directory = C:\jed  (also tried moving jed to C:\Program Files\ABC Music Tools with the same results)

Jedit install path = C:\Program Files\Jedit

ABC Source Files path = C:\Documents and Settings\whitedo\My Documents\Music\pp

Path that gets passed to Jedit = C:\Program Files\ABC Music Tools\Documents\Music\pp

Path that gets passed to Jed = C:\Program Files\ABC Music Tools\Settings\whitedo3\My Documents\Music\pp

It seems to be related to long filenames as in both case the two paths are concatenated at a "space" in the directory path name. It seems runabc has no problem passing long file names intact to it's internal editor. As Jed is started from a batch file that sets a couple of environment variables, it is possible that the batch file handling of LFNs is the culprit. Jedit is started from a JAR file - does Sun JRE 1.4.1_02 not support LFNs properly?

If I get desperate I will look at the tkl code (I've programed a lot of languages but never even looked at tkl).



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