JOe Joe wrote:
Hi all,

Does anyone here know of a program that will allow mass conversion of abc to midi (instead of having to save each one individually which will take me years).



If I understand correctly, you have loads of abc-files that you want to convert in one go? Converting all tunes in one file is trivial (see Christopher's reply).

In Linux you can do the following:

find . -type f -name "*.abc" -exec abc2midi {} \;

This command finds all abc tune files in the current directory (recursively) and executes abc2midi on each file. The result will be *loads* of MIDI files.

But I suppose you have a Windows box. I don't have a Windows command line at hand to test it, but the following should get you going...

FOR /R [directory] %A IN (*.ABC) DO CALL abc2midi %A

This will work on NT/2000/XP systems. If you have Windows 9x, drop "/R [directory]" from the command. But then only files in the current directory will be processed. If you put this line into a batch file, use %%A instead of %A.

If it doesn't work, try "help for" of "for /?" on a command line to get more information about the for command.

Good luck.


Bert Van Vreckem

If Bill Gates had a penny for each time Windows crashed...
Wait a minute! He does!

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