My mailserver is setup to send mail using the Unix program "bulk-mailer".. It really improves the efficiency of the mailing for all the lists, but some ISPs think it's a spamming program.. That sometimes causes problems.. I didn't see it in this case however.

DottieB wrote:

I have recently noticed that I stopped receiving the abc list (I'm
subscribed to the digest) about two months ago. I last posted in
early March, and looking at the archives, posts from mid March
look unfamiliar, so it must have been around then. I tried to
resubscribe at the web site, but it tells me I'm already

Anybody have any ideas as to how I can start getting the digest again?

Sometimes AOL "blacklists" internet lists from particular sites. Call AOL and tell them you want mail from this group "white listed." Depending on who you talk to, they may or may not do anything.

Dottie b

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