> I just plop the characters i want in the abc file, like, for example:

>   z D   E | G2  G     G2  F  | E2  E z  F   G | A2   G (FE)   D |  F2 E
>  w: v-  o   et  por- que jus-  ti- a  t-  en d'el et  de-* rei-  tu-ta,

> I use jcabc2ps to render the file, but any program should be able to 
> handle this.

Are we to assume there were some non-ASCII characters in there?  My mail
client didn't show any, which kinda points to the problem with that...

High-bit characters also map onto different things in different systems.

:> To use accented letter, type the following:
:> \`a  => "a with grave" [...]
:> \~n  => "n with tilde"

It would be far more partable if ABC software used HTML standards
for this and deprecated TeXisms.  TeX is never going to get wider
use; HTML/XML/XHTML is where all the development is going on and
there are far more machines out there with installed software that
uses it.  And it seems it's increasingly going to be built into
the OS with Windows (not in itself any bad thing regardless of the
sleazy politics involved).

: What's wrong with simply putting the correct accent in the text?
: They're all part of the extended character set, and pretty much a
: standard these days.

What standard?  I got an emailed document from a Word for Windows
user today that had a whole pile of n-tildes in it (hex 96, decimal
150).  They were presumably typed by that pathetic slave of Satan
with the intention that they should be some sort of punctuation or
bullet character, but I've no idea what.

Many editors (at least on the Mac) can translate the local character
set to HTML, so there's no need ever to ship non-portable forms to
other people who might have different platforms, however convenient
the type-it-straight-in approach might be for you.

Jack Campin: 11 Third Street, Newtongrange, Midlothian EH22 4PU; 0131 6604760
<http://www.purr.demon.co.uk/jack>     *     food intolerance data & recipes,
Mac logic fonts, Scots traditional music files, and my CD-ROM "Embro, Embro".
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