Jeff Bigler writes:
| > In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, John Chambers
| > >Bernard Hill writes:
| > >| Just one comment: having a software developer in charge of standards is
| > >| a conflict of interests. S/he can drive the standard in the direction of
| > >| his/her own software.
| > >
| > >Yeah, and I'd like to add that we also shouldn't have a  musician  in
| > >charge  of  the  standard,  since  s/he can drive the standard in the
| > >direction of his/her own favorite musical styles.
| > >be good to avoid this.)
| Agreed on all counts.  I think the comment about musicians was meant to
| be tongue-in-cheek.

Hmm ...  That's how I took it, and I wasn't expecting anyone to  take
my comment as anything other than totally absurd.  (I even included a
smiley.) However, I was hoping that  someone  else  would  follow  my
comment  with something even sillier.  I'm not sure how one could top
the absurdity of a standard for music notation developed by  a  group
that excludes musicians, but I hoped that someone would find a way.

We are getting into what news people call the Silly Season ...

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