On Wed, 2 Jul 2003, Phil Taylor wrote:

> Of course you would need a separate static macro for every different
> note with a roll on it, and Henrik Norbeck suggested an extension to
> this
> m: ~n3 = n{o}n{m}n

Phil, thank you for sharing this, this is a wonderful
idea! I strongly suggest to include this mechanism in
the upcomming standard. Guido, what do you think?

> Many years later, along came John Atchley, a
> developer with a burning desire to fix the abc
> standard.

Well, maybe not everything what he did was optimal, but
at least he achieved something! A sub-optimal standard
was better than nothing at all.

But fortunately, now we seem to have an opportunity to
rectify the wrongs of the past.

> Unfortunately, he didn't look much beyond abc2ps and
> his own clone of it, and he had different ideas about
> what to do with the U: field.  He introduced the
> !...! format

I think that the !...! format is also very useful, and
that we should keep it in the standard, in peaceful
coexistence with your macro facility.

> This list is dominated by Linux users, none of whom
> seems capable of even giving consideration to
> anything which isn't open source, and doesn't run on
> their platform.

I'd love to try your program, but unfortunately I do
not have a Mac, and none of my friends have a Mac. So
that's a bit of a problem.

 Irwin Oppenheim

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