On Thu, 17 Jul 2003, Phil Taylor wrote:

> To be compatible, programs should:
> (1) Permit M: none.  (It's in the 2.0 standard anyway)
> (2) Ignore the Gregorian Clefs (There are eight of them
>     named Doh1..Doh4 and Fa1..Fa4).
> (3) Not object to a single note in slur brackets e.g. (a)
>     (Just ignore the meaningless slur.)

Phil, this is a good point. We should add explicitly to
ABC 2.0 that all unrecognized clefs should be ignored
(think also about the percussion clef) and that
notation like (a) should be dealt with properly.

This way, it will be possible to specify a Gregorian
Chant module in ABC 3.0 without breaking other

 Irwin Oppenheim

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