On Wed, 23 Jul 2003, Steven Bennett wrote:

> What I meant to say is that there should be no ABC2
> data outside the context of an individual tune inside
> a file.  Each ABC2 tune should be capable of being
> parsed outside the context of the file it's in.

This is also dealt with in the upcomming standard.

I quote:

The file may optionally start with a file header, which
is a block of consecutive field lines, finished by a
blank line. The file header may be used to set default
values for the tunes in the file. Such a file header
may only appear at the beginning of a file, not between
tunes. Of course, tunes may override the file header
settings. However, when the end of a tune is reached,
the defaults set by the file header are restored.
Applications which extract separate tunes from a file,
must insert the fields of the original file header,
into the header of the extracted tune.

It is legal to write free text between the tunes of a
tunebook. The free text should be separated from the
surrounding tunes by blank lines. Programs that are
able to print tunebooks, will print the text between
the tunes. The free text may be interspersed with
directives (see section ABC Stylesheet specification)
or with Extended information fields; however, the scope
of these settings is limited to the text that appears
up to the beginning of the next tune. At that point,
the defaults set by the file header are restored.

Each line in the file may begin or end with blank space
which will be ignored. For the purpose of this
standard, ASCII Tab and ASCII Space characters are
equivalent and are both designated with the term
`space.' Applications must be able to interpret
end-of-line markers in Unix (^J), PC (^M^J), and
Macintosh style (^M) correctly.

> I *do* think the %%ABC2 tag on each compliant tune,
> or something similar, is needed.

Also dealt with. I quote:

Version field

%%abc-version 2.0

Software that exports ABC tunes conforming to this
standard, must include a version field.

Later occurrences of the version field, override
earlier ones.

and what about this one:

Creator field

%%abc-creator xml2abc 2.7

The creator field contains the name of the program that
created the ABC file, followed by the version number of
the program.

Software that exports ABC tunes conforming to this
standard, must include a creator field.

Later occurrences of the creator field, override
earlier ones.

 Irwin Oppenheim

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